Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hotel Loyalty Program become competitive weapons

This is about OnQ of hilton - customer relationship management application.

OnQ supports the Hilton hotels corporation customer Really Matters(CRM) strategy and represents information that is available to team members on demand, prompting them to act on service-recovery alerts that will delight cistomers and create a bond of loyalty to the Hilton Family of hotels.
OnQ represents an integrated suite of tools that hotel operators to respond decisively to current market conditions and make informed business decisions based on historical trends and competitive data.
Onq can also identify customers that are clearly not profitable.Extra attention to profitable customers appears to be paying off.


I think to build correct historical data is the most important element of CRM .
To collect the correct data is really hard .That's why lots of CRM system is useless after develped until now.
Based on this correct historical aboundant data, we can make an analysis of the data and use this data for marketing strategy.
for successful CRM project,from the begining Marketter and IT technicians need to work together.they both share the strategy about the idea how to use this CRM data for making profit.

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