Thursday, November 29, 2007

Fasoo & DRM

We listened about DRM from CEO this week.
Fasoo means Korean word. that is, Watch or Guide^^. DRM means Digital Rights Management.
I think DRM is differential power tool which dogital contents business make money.

[Attach News] : Reference realting to Fasoo activity.

Fasoo Launches Enterprise DRM Network Appliance April 19, 2007
By Bill Rosenblatt

Fasoo of South Korea stepped up its entry into the US market with the launch of an Enterprise DRM "network appliance" called XDRM. The company made the announcement at the AIIM content management conference in Boston this week. Although new to the US, Fasoo has one of the highest annual product revenues of any DRM software concern worldwide, as well as possibly the largest aggregate installed base in Enterprise DRM.
The XDRM launch is an effort to make Fasoo's multifaceted Enterprise DRM technology more comprehensible to buyers and easier to deploy. Administrators can use it to DRM-enable web applications by URL, file directory, or entire website. If web pages contain opportunities for users to download files, then XDRM detects downloads and automatically packages the files in Fasoo's DRM on demand.
Such a product ought to be useful for internal (intranet) applications or any application that requires external users to authenticate their identities (e.g., by signing in with username and password). In the latter sense, XDRM could be seen as complementary to Macrovision's RightAccess product, which enables publishers of premium web content to set up business models such as paid subscriptions (a/k/a "pay walls"). RightAccess controls which users get to see which web pages under what conditions, but it does not control what the user is able to do with those web pages. With XDRM, the content owner could control the user's ability to copy text to the clipboard, print, etc.
eMeta (the developer of RightAccess, acquired by Macrovision a year ago) has said for years that RightAccess could be used together with DRM, though we know of no RightAccess customers that do so. XDRM is the DRM product that looks best suited to complement RightAccess for its base of customers in the professional and technical publishing markets. It also should be a significant differentiator for Fasoo as it proceeds to compete with Enterprise DRM vendors that are more established in the US market.

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